Wednesday 30 September 2009

Hemorrhoids - Rid Yourself! 10 Proven Hemorrhoids Remedies!

Here's a helpful list of the top 10 hemorrhoid remedies that have been proven to help get rid of piles:

1) Horse Chestnut - has properties that help to increase blood flow and firm up the tissues in the surrounding areas. It's also a very powerful anti inflamatory so is good at soothing and calming the whole area.

It's not adviseable to use it if you have any problems with your liver and/or kidneys and definitely not if you're pregnant of breastfeeding.

2) To stop itching and painful hemorrhoids (is there any other type!) try mixing baptisia extract and lobelia equally with some zinc sulphate and water, and use it by soaking some cotton wool and cleaning the area with it.

3) A do-it-yourself version of preparation h can be made by mixing sulphur into a suspension of vaseline. It's a good pain relief - very soothing.

4) Pat the area with some cotton wool soaked in witch hazel. Witch hazel has anti septic properties and is also good at naturally constricting the blood flow.

5) If your suffering with bleeding hemorrhoids then you can stop the bleeding by drinking a glass of water with a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with each meal. You can also apply it neat to the area using cotton wool.

6) Doctors can offer thermotherapy - this is very good for shrinking the hemorrhoids.

7) Another solution that can be applied directly to the hemorrhoids is a spoonful of alum mixed with water.

8) If you don't fancy drinking the apple cider vinegar tincture then you could try doing the same but using cayenne pepper instead for the same result.

9) Echinacea, directly applied is an effective remedy to relieve itching and pain.

10) Mix equal quantities of lard and calomel and use directly as a cream.

These should relief the symptoms of your hemorrhoids but in order to be free of them for good then a far more in depth program needs to be done.

To find out more about hemorrhoids visit Hemorrhoids Rid

Monday 21 September 2009

Recovery From Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Piles, at times called hemorrhoids, will frequently be a painful state, and unfortunately, also a somewhat regular one that affects both men and women. Piles are in reality swollen veins that have been stretched out under strain and might build up owing to weakened tissue near the anus and rectum.

Whilst you experience from this distressing condition, you are more inclined to search for any kinds of information which can assist you find out how to come to grips with hemorrhoids and achieve speedy reprieve. Now you will hit upon a few helpful things that you can do when you search for the relief of such sore conditions as hemorrhoids:

- Initially check with your doctor for information about hemorrhoids and for their recommendations as they are conscious of your health record and could have extra care options you aren’t aware of.

- Carry out some research and gain knowledge of what will cause or even intensify the condition of piles. Some people have returning problems with piles. You want to know what you can do to put a stop to the return of piles.

- Avoid the common urge of overusing topical pile creams as while they do greatly help to relieve symptoms, too much tends to aggravate the condition causing even further tenderness, and none of these creams are capable of really treating the origin of the predicament.

- To stop piles from blood loss, softly wash the region with apple cider vinegar, and for help from itching, smarting, and irritation, try witch hazel or a mix of petroleum jelly and sulfur applied with cotton swabs or alcohol-free, scent-free baby wipes.

- Horse chestnut is effective as an herbal supplement, because it improves blood flow, which will help strengthen the linking tissues adjoining a weakened vein that may turn into a hemorrhoid. It will in addition assist in reducing the redness and inflammation of piles.

- Avoid the distress and pain of piles by keeping the area fresh. But, take care not to aggravate the spot by over washing and do not use strong soaps. Rinsing the spot well and scrupulously is effective as well.

- Take in a day by day exercise workout, to help develop your overall good fitness, although avoiding the sitting upon any hard surface for a long time.

- You can sustain softer stools while drinking a lot of water each day. Don't forget to incorporate fiber-rich foods into your every day diet, such as plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

One of the very most vital things you may do to improve yourself when it comes to coping with piles is to calm down and strive not to stress or be concerned about having them. Piles are repeatedly connected with the old or with expectant women, but the reality is that everybody can be affected by them at any time, and having them is undoubtedly nothing to be humiliated about.

Hemorrhoids can be dreadfully uncomfortable and they could be painful as well; however, you are not on your own in this tussle to feel well again. They are a passing setback and they may go away on their own. With just a little effort on your side, you will never have to cope with hemorrhoids again. They are not a serious health risk even though they can feel like they are support is accessible.


Tuesday 28 July 2009

Bleeding Hemorrhoids

Do You Need To Get Relief From Bleeding Hemorrhoids?

Firstly, before embarking on a quest to discover some relief from bleeding hemorrhoids it's wise to know what they are exactly. They are simply veins in the anus that have become varicose and inflamed. They may become filled with blood which puts pressure on the thin vein membranes, when these tear then bleeding happens. The inflammation and swelling not only makes it difficult to keep the area clean, it also becomes very sore, swollen and painful.

Thankfully there are plenty of home remedies that you can do to sooth hemorrhoids in the comfort and privacy of your own house. These treatments are a very efficient way of enabling some short term relief from the symptoms although you'll need a solidly, tested program if you want to treat the cause and prevent any further outbreaks.

A good starting point is to take a warm bath and totally submerge yourself for at least fifteen minutes. Adding salt is a good way of making sure the area is thoroughly cleansed which is important in promoting healing.

One of the most recognised foods for promoting regular bowel movements and relieving constipation is mango, in particular the seeds. You may buy the seeds in powder form and then store them in an airtight container. Use the power once or twice daily either on it's own or mixed with some honey.

Aloe Vera in solution form can be soaked onto some cotton wool and applied on the anal area, this helps to reduce the burning that piles tend to give. You may also do the same with witch hazel as this has natural anti septic and anti inflammatory characteristics so is a good cooling agent to take down inflammation around the area.

Making an infusion of water and coriander seeds, straining the seeds out then drinking the water will stop any bleeding that you may be having.

Cranberries have valuable analgesic properties that have a focused relief for hemorrhoids. The best way of using them is to turn them into a suppository and insert it up into the anus for at least couple of hours. Whiz them around in a food blender until they're a pulp then put a tiny amount in some cheesecloth before inserting up into the anus.

The same can be done with radishes but instead of using them internally, use them as a topical treatment. To do this you'll have to mash the radish into a pulp adding some milk to it, then apply to the affected area. You could do this at night to keep the limit the mess. If your gag reflex isn't too acute, the radish juice could be drunk as well. A very powerful tecnique of reducing the inflamation and the pain.

All these suppliments, solutions, ointments and poltices should give you a short term relief from bleeding hemorrhoids. Be aware though, should you need a permanent cure you should get a tried and tested program.

Monday 27 July 2009

Do You Want To Know How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last?

If you've fallen victim to hemorrhoids, the initial query you'll ask is "how long do hemorrhoids last?" piles are an extremely painful ailment at the best of times. When discomfort attacks it's usual to be consumed with the desire to know when it's going to end.

It's a viscious twist that although hemorrhoids are one of the most frequent conditions it's by far the least discussed unless in jest, making it almost impossible to get the right answer to "how long do hemorrhoids last?".

The aim of this article is to give the answers that you've been looking for, hopefully it fulfills just that. There are several points that you have to be aware of with piles. Often hemorrhoids merely clear up of their own accord after a few days whilst some get worse and worse until the sufferer ends up facing invasive surgery believing that is the only option.

As you can see the answer to the question of "how long do hemorrhoids last?" is not something that can be answered in a few lines. To give you a better idea you need to asses the severity of your condition. If you're going through a phase when your stools have been hard and bulky and the hemorrhoids have appeared unexpectedly as a result then they are likey to diminish fairley quickly when your bowels get back to their normal, regular balance. Be patient and allow the agrivation to pass. This scenario commonly rights itself within a two week timescale.

If you've got thrombosed or prolapsed piles then you're going to be looking at a far more prolonged recovery time. If you're unlucky enough to be suffering from these types of hemorrhoids then you'll realize the blinding pain that they result in. Surgery should be considered with caution as it faces it's own problems. The recovery time draws to a good six to eight weeks and the afterpain tends often be more than the hemorrhoids themselves. Regrettably the surgery doesn't guarantee that they won't return again and you could end up going down the same route again.

Thrombosed and prolapsed hemorrhoids are often offered the following:

Rubber Band Ligation - a procedure where a rubber band is tied round the hemorrhoids to cut off the supply of blood and shrivel it up. This proceedure is uncomfortable and the results could take around seven to ten days in all.

Another proceedure is infrared coagulation. It's a popular procedure when fighting piles. The aim is for the the infrared to stop the blood flow to the hemorrhoid. The good news is it's not a tender treatment at all and just needs a few visits to the physicians. You'll possibly find that you don't feel any benefit from this treatment for quite a few weeks though.

Hemorrhoidectomy - This is the most intrusive and brutal treatment of all and is done under a general anaesthetic by a surgeon. Healing time is a long (probably up to two months). The surgery here simply cuts the piles away.

This article is quite a long answer to "how long do hemorrhoids last?" but as you can now tell, it's not a black and white answer and has only covered conventional treatments.

Thursday 25 June 2009

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

It's a cruel twist of nature isn't it? Not only are you uncomfortable and your body is changing in ways you didn't think were even imaginable, you end up suffering from hemorrhoids during your pregnancy.

If you're pregnant right now then congradulations to you. If you're also suffering with hemorrhoids as well then you're most probably feeling that the whole pregnancy thing is really getting you down even though it really should be a time that you cherish and enjoy, and I'm not surprized if you're struggling with painful piles.

There are treatments that can cure your hemorroids, that are natural and safe for you to use, that won't harm your unborn child. Constipation is a major part of pregnancy due to the changes in your bodies hormone levels, so you can start easing your symptoms straight away by following a few simple steps.

One of the best natural laxatives that cleanse your colon gently but effectively is mango. Either eat two mangos a day, one in the morning and the other one in the evening or alternatively, buy some mango juice and make sure you drink at least two large glasses a day. Mango never fails as a colon cleanse. It's packed with vitamins and good for baby too.

There are loads more safe treatments that can get you out of pain in as little as a few short hours and permanently cure you within a few days. Just because you've had hemorrhoids doesn't mean the you have to accept living with them forever.